Shows potential licensing issues for all your Meraki customers. See unused, expiring and expired licenses.
See at a glance how many licenses are expiring over the next few months
Download a full table of all the license details for all your customers
Supports Co-terms and PDL Meraki Licensing
Quotes module updates: Our browse catalogue allows you to filter on all items, not just bundles.
Enhanced Tablet Display: We've optimised our navigation bar for tablet viewing, ensuring smoother handling and improved user experience.
Bug fixes
Fixed an issue with Meraki sync where not all devices and sites were getting updated for companies with large inventories.
Fixed bug where Connectwise ticket detail page was not loading.
Fixed an issue where log files were being generated but users could not download it.
Fixed an issue where order details were missing from modal popup.
Fixed a bug where port mappings for MX105 devices were incorrect.
Fixed a bug where loss, latency, and DNS information for WAN ports were not displayed.
Fixed a bug where the table of company sites was not paginating correctly, and incorrectly reporting inventory allocated. Also we have added the ability to sort by ID or Name.